Send Email While Filling Out a Form

This guide will explain how to send an email while filling out a form. We will use the “Send Email” field to trigger an email connection while filling out a form.

  1. Initial Setup:
  • Drag and drop a “Send Email” and a “Field Update Button” field onto your form.
  • Rename the “Field Update Button” field as needed.
  1. Configuring The “Send Email” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Send Email” field.
  • Fill in the “Template Id” option.

Note: You can copy the “Template Id” from the form edit page URL.

  • Fill in the “Connection Id” option.

Note: You can copy the “Connection Id” from the Email connection page URL.

  • Optional: You can customize your alert message using the “Success Alert Message” option.

Note: You can check this guide on how to set up an Email connection for your Formyoula form:

  1. Configuring The “Field Update Button” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Field Update Button” field.
  • Set “Field Updates”- Send Email || event || run
  • Save the changes.
  1. Test The Form:
  • Click the “Send Email Button”.
  • It will run the “Send Email” field to trigger an email connection.
  • You can see a success message.

Note: Please check this guide for a wide example of the “Send Email” field:

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂