Weather Description Of City With API Table Using The Field Update Workflow Field

In this guide, we will explain how to show the Weather Description of the city with the API Table using the Field Update Workflow field.

The API Table will show the Weather Description using the Field Update Workflow field on Select field changes.

Drag and drop a Select field, an API Table and a Field Update Workflow field.


Click the pencil icon of the Select field. Change the Label. Add cities name as Select Options. Save the changes.

Optional: You can set the default city name in the Default Value option.


Click the pencil icon of the API Table field.

Set the following options:


Enable Proxy: Yes

Request Data Type: application/json

API Response Array Key: weather


Add the API Table Columns and map the API Names with Column Names.


Add Body Params and map keys with Values.

q= field ID of Select field

appid= API Key

units= metric

Save the changes.


Click the pencil icon of the Field update workflow field. Set the Rule Criteria and Field Updates. Save the changes.

Rule Criteria:

Select City : not equal to :

Field Updates:

API Table Records : event : api:request:send


Try the form.

The API Table will show the weather with a description based on the Selected city on the Select field.


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