Update Salesforce Case Status Without Submitting The Form

This guide will explain how to update the Salesforce Case Object's “Status” field without submitting the form. It involves triggering the “Salesforce Record Create” field using the “Field Update Button”.

  1. Initial Setup:
  • Drag and drop “Salesforce Select”, Salesforce Prefill”, “Select”, “Salesforce Create Record”, and “Field Update Button” field onto your form.
  • Rename the fields as required.
  1. Configuring The “Salesforce Select” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Salesforce Select” field.
  • Set “Object” and “Display Additional Fields” as shown below.
  1. Configuring The “Salesforce Prefill” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Salesforce Prefill” field.
  • Set “Object”, “Formyoula Parent Field”, and “Salesforce Parent Field” as shown below.
  • Map the Form field (Status) to the Salesforce object field (Status).
  1. Configuring The “Select” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Select” field.
  • Update the “Select Options” according to the Salesforce object field options.
  1. Configuring The “Salesforce Create Record” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Salesforce Create Record” field.
  • Fill in the “Salesforce Object Name”.
  • Update the “Salesforce Record Create Success Message”.
  • Map the Form fields to the Salesforce Object fields as shown below.
  • Here “{{62d7-223f-d69f}}” is the field ID of the “Select” field named “Status”.
  • Here “{{ac1c-320e-5f88}}” is the field ID of the “Salesforce Select” field.
  1. Configuring The “Field Update button” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Field Update Button” field.
  • Set “Field Updates” - ‘Update Case Status || event || run’
  • Here we will use the “Field Update Button” field to trigger the “Salesforce Record Create” field.
  • Save all the changes.
  1. Test The Form:
  • It will allow you to select a “Case” and update the “Status”.
  • Clicking the “Update to Salesforce” button will update the status to Salesforce without saving the form.
  • Selecting a “Case” will show the current “Status”.
  • Update the “Status”.
  • Click the “Update to Salesforce” button.

  • It will show a success message.
  • And will update the “Status” to the “Salesforce”.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂