Send Salesforce File For Review Using Email To A Specific User

In this guide, we will explain how to send an URL to the selected user via email to review the uploaded file.

This process involves creating two forms:

  1. First Form: For file upload and user selection.
  2. Second Form: Launched when the user clicks the URL, allowing them to preview the uploaded file and create a task.

Create the first form to upload a file and search for a recipient user.

Drag and drop a File Upload, a Salesforce Lookup, a Salesforce Prefill, a Hidden field, and a Navigation field. Rename the fields as shown below.


Click the form Setup button.


Disable the Standard Navigation. And Save the Changes.


Click the pencil icon of the File Upload field. Rename the Label, set the File Name, fill in the Parent Record ID and set the “File” as the Object Type. Save the changes.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Lookup field. Rename Label and Button Label. Set Object and Display Additional Fields as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Prefill field. Set Object, Formyoula Parent Field and Salesforce Parent Field as shown below. And map the Hidden field with the Salesforce field as shown below.


Save the changes and go to the dashboard to create an email connection.

Click on the "Add" button under the "Connections" column or press on the "Create a Connection" button under the "Next Step" column, or select "Add/ Edit Connections" from the "Actions" list.


Select "Email" from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".


Use Hidden field merge ID in “To Email”.


Create a clickable link in the email body as shown below.


Please use this URL format:{{8cc2-f4f9-1a33}}

64d22e2b6c331a0014562594 - Is the form Id of the second form.

e0f6-35e3-e672 - Hidden field Id of the second form.

8cc2-f4f9-1a33 - File upload field Id of the first form.

Save the changes.

Create the Second form to allow users to preview the file.

Drag and drop a Header, a Salesforce file Preview, two Hidden, a CheckBox, a paragraph, a Salesforce Create Record and a Field Update Workflow field. Rename the fields as shown below.

Update the Header and Paragraph fields value as shown below.


Click the form Setup button.


Disable the Standard Navigation. And Save the Changes.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce File Preview field. Set the first Hidden field as “Salesforce File Field”.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Create Record field. Fill in Salesforce Object Name and Formyoula Parent field Value and Set Formyoula Parent Field. Map the second Hidden field with the Salesforce field.


Click the pencil icon of the Hidden field and set the Value as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the Workflow field. Set Rule Criteria, Field Updates Success and Field Updates Fail as shown below.

It will hide the CheckBox field once it is checked and show the Thank you message.

Save All the changes.


Try the first form. Upload a file and select a user to send the link via email. Click the Navigation button “Send email to the user”.

The email connection will send a clickable link to the selected user’s email ID.


Optional: To setup Formyoula Lightning Forms, please use the following guide:

When the user clicks the link received in the email, it will launch the second form.


The second form will preview the file uploaded in the first form.


Checking the CheckBox will create a new Task and show a Thank you message.


Optional: Assign the Task to the current user:

We will assign the Task to the current user using the Formyoula System merge fields in the Salesforce Create Record field for the new Task record.

System merge field - {{Formyoula_User_Salesforce_Id}}

Drag and drop a Hidden and a Field Update Workflow field in the second form. Reame the fields as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the workflow field. And set value for the Current User Hidden field.

Please use this system merge field as value - {{Formyoula_User_Salesforce_Id}}


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Create Record field. And map the Current User Hidden field with the OwnerId field in the Task Object.


It will Assign the Task to the current user.

Optional: Link the new Task with the File Record:

We will associate the new Task with the uploaded file using the ContentDocumentLink object. We will use a new Salesforce Create Record field to link the new Task with the File record.

Drag and drop a Salesforce Prefill, a Hidden and a Salesforce Create Record field. Rename them as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Prefill field. Set Content Version as Object, ID (Hidden field) as Formyoula Parent Field and ContentVersion ID as Salesforce Parent Field.

Map the Content Document Id Formyoula field with the Content Document ID Salesforce field as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Create Record field and fill in “ContentDocumentLink” as the Object. Set “Create Salesforce Task (Salesforce Create Record field)” as the “Formyoula Parent Field” and fill in the field ID of the Create Salesforce Task (Salesforce Create Record field) as “Formyoula Parent Field Value”.

Map the form fields with object fields.

{{132b-77c9-5b96}} (field ID of Create Salesforce Task field) - LinkedEntityId

{{1368-1a02-931a}} (field ID of Content Document Id field) - ContentDocumentId


It will Link the new Task with the File Record.


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂