Salesforce Select Element For Record Assignments In The Field

In this guide, we will demonstrate a mobile form that allows fieldworkers to select open job assignments from Salesforce. After opening the form mobile form users will be able to select an open job from a list of available jobs on Salesforce. After a job is selected it will pre-fill a number of fields on the form from information available on the Salesforce record. In this example, we will be using a custom object called Jobs on Salesforce.

First, you will need to create a Formyoula form called “Job Form”. You can do this by clicking on the “New Form” button on your Formyoula dashboard.

Next, drag and drop the “Salesforce Select” field on your form.


We will drag and drop all other necessary fields on our form, that will be mapped to our Salesforce fields on the Job object.


After all the fields are added click on the “Save & Close” button.


Add a Salesforce connection to your form by clicking on the “Add” or the “Create a Connection” button, or by selecting “Add/ Edit connections” from the “Actions” list.


Select Salesforce from the select list and click on the “Create Connection” button.


Select your standard or custom object, that you would like to link this form too, from the available “Salesforce Object” list and click on the “Save” button.


Copy the connection ID from the URL, while on the connection page. This will be used to pre-fill the form fields via the Salesforce Select Element.


Now go back to your form builders page by clicking on your form name.


Click on the pencil icon on the “Salesforce Select” field.


First, select your standard or custom object from the available “Object” list, this will be used for the job records on your form. Next copy the connection ID into the “Autofill Connection ID” box, this will ensure to pre-fill the form fields based on the job selected.

You can add field API names to display additional information while selecting the job from the list. And you can filter what type of jobs will be displayed based on any field that is on your object, in this case, we will be displaying all open jobs from our Job object list ( example: Field API name=’Field Value’ in this case Status__c=’Open’). When done apply changes.


When done go back to the dashboard.


Click on the cloud icon next to your form.


Click on the newly created connection.


First, select the Salesforce Select field (in this case the field is named “All Open Jobs”) from the available list under the “Update based on lookup” section.


Next, create all the mappings you would like to display as prefilled on the form and that will be updated after the form submission.


When done click on the “Try form >>” button.


Select the newly created form.


Click on the Salesforce Select field to display the job list.


Select a job from the available list.


This will pre-fill the form fields based on the information you have for the particular job on your Salesforce record in the form. In this case, we will edit the “Visit Notes” field and change the “Job Status” field from open to complete.


Now on Salesforce all the fields will be updated or will stay the same if no changes were made via the form.


Next time you will open the form and search for jobs, this particular record will not be included in the list, since the field “Record Filter” is set to display only open jobs.


If you have any questions, please email [email protected].