Salesforce Grid Element

In this guide, we will explain how you can use Salesforce Grid Element on your Formyoula Form. If you have any questions, please email us [email protected].


To start with, Drag and Drop a "Salesforce Grid" element from the Tab “Salesforce” under “Drag and Drop Fields” on your form.


Click on the pencil icon to edit the field properties.


Here is the explanation of the fields:

The Label field is simply used to give a name of the Grid Element.
This field corresponds to Salesforce objects. Example:Account/Contact etc.
Select Field:
By default, only the record name field will be displayed for resultant records. You can add any object field for example 'Name, Phone, CreatedDate, Custom_Field__c'. Please use the Salesforce field API names.
Allows searching all records or only display User owned records. All Records/My records
Owner Id Field (Optional)
Change the default owner id field for record assignments. For example Assigned_To__c.
Just like Salesforce reports, you can filter the record search using Salesforce SOQL syntax.  For example, StageName = 'Closed Won' AND CloseDate <= Today AND Custom_Field__c != 'Example Value'. Please reference Salesforce SOQL documents for other examples.
Returned Record Count(Optional)
This option displays the number of records fetched By default, it will be ten records.
Select the Object field that will be used to order results Example: CreatedDate DESC
Records Per Row
You can manually select the number of records that will be displayed in a row on the form.
Record Min Height(px)
This is to set the minimum height of column of the grid on the form.

Custom Grid Record Fields:

This property allows you to give alias names to the Grid Fields. Click on the right arrow to expand the tab. Click on the “Add Column” button to add columns.

Note: Before adding custom grid field names, please select the Salesforce Object and click on Apply Changes. You will then be able to see the API Names to match Custom column names.



To set the properties for using records Offline, click on the “Advance” Link and fill in the desired properties in the fields.

Formyoula Parent Field
This will be the value of the parent record for populating related child records in Grid.
Salesforce Parent Field
This is the Salesforce API name of the parent field. Example: AccountId for a Grid
Record Select Action
This field is used to set the action that should be followed on click of the Grid column. It could be moving to next page, submit or any other action chosen from the picklist.
Next/Back Page # (Optional)
You can provide a page number for the form to navigate to. Select action Next for this to work.

Offline Sync Filter: Just like Salesforce reports you can filter the record search using Salesforce SOQL syntax. For example, StageName = 'Closed Won' AND CloseDate <= Today ANDCustom_Field__c != 'Example Value'. Please reference Salesforce SOQL documents for other examples.

Offline Record Filter: You can filter the records search using a JavaScript function. For example, see the screenshot below:


Also, please find below the demo video link of the offline browser app that demonstrates the grid element:

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂