Salesforce API User Access For Formyoula-Only Users

In this guide, we will explain how to grant Salesforce access to Formyoula-only users based on different Salesforce users.

For example, this allows granting access for Formyoula-only users based on regional Salesforce users.

  1. Update the Salesforce API user ID:
  • Please open the Formyoula Users page using this link-
  • Please edit the Formyoula-only user details under the “Quick Actions” tab.
  • Please input the “Salesforce API User ID” under the Advanced settings.

Note: Please check out the steps below to get the Salesforce API user ID.

  • Click on the "Users" tab from the dashboard or click this link-
  • Find the admin user, then right-click and Inspect the element.
  • You can find the Salesforce API Id, as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Please save the changes by clicking on the “Update User” button.
  1. Test:
  • Now, once a Formyoula-only user uses the form, they will have access to the records based on the specified Salesforce API User.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂