Require New Repeat Group Entries If Any Fields Are Changed or Required

In this guide, we will explain how to add custom attributes required option to show a message if the field is empty and use the new Repeat feature “Require New Entry If Fields Changed”.

Using these options, you can make sure new Repeat entries are fully completed.

Drag and drop 2 Text fields inside a Repeat group. Rename the fields as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the first Text field. Click “Add Custom Attribute”.


Fill in the custom attributes required option. It will show a message if the field is empty.


Please use this code:


Click the pencil icon of the second Text field and set “Yes” for the Required option. Save the changes.


Click the pencil icon of the Repeat field and set “Yes” for the “Require New Entry If Field Changed” option. Save the changes.

Enabling this option, you can’t submit the form before adding the Repeat entry if you add a new entry and fill in any required field.


Try the form. When you add a new Repeat and fill in Company Name. You can’t Submit the form before clicking the “Add” button.


And when you add the Repeat entry, a message will show if the Full Name field is empty. Using these options, you can make sure new Repeat entries are fully completed.


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂