Push Form Entry Updates To Salesforce

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to re-submit already captured form entries to your Salesforce. This will update the records in Salesforce that were created by the initial form submission.

1. Please go to your Formyoula dashboard - https://app.formyoula.com/dashboard


2. Please click on the cloud icon next to your form.


3. Please click on the blue “Salesforce (Edit Connections)” link under the Connections column. This will open the Salesforce connections page.


4. Please tick the “Push Updates” checkbox under the Salesforce Record Settings.


5. When done, please save the Record Settings.


6. Now, when you edit and re-submit a form entry, the record will be updated in Salesforce.

Please note that you have to enable this option for each Salesforce connection separately.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected].