Pre-Fill Salesforce Record Fields And Set Default Field Values

In this guide, we will explain how we can use the Salesforce Pre-fill field to fill record fields based on the parent field object in Salesforce.

Use Case: Pre-Fill Account data based on Contact selected by the user.

Let's consider a Contact form with fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile Number along with a hidden field to store the Account Id with which the Contact is associated as shown in the screenshot below.


Drag and Drop Salesforce Pre-Fill element from Salesforce Tab (to the top right side of the page) as shown in the screenshot below


Please set the following details as shown in the picture below as per your use-case


Please click apply changes to the pre-fill element and Save and close the form.

Try the form to check to pre-fill and send default values to Salesforce for fields where the user has not input any values.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]