PDF Upload Form Element Guide

In this guide, we will explain how to set up PDF upload to your Salesforce records. If you have any questions, please email us [email protected].

To start with, Drag and Drop Different fields for your form and the “PDF_Upload” element from the tab “Media” under “Drag and Drop Fields” on your form.


Then click on the pencil icon present in PDF_Upload

  • Label: The name you want to give to the element in the above image it is PDF Upload.
  • PDF Name: Name of the PDF attachment which will be uploaded to Salesforce. Here it is the Upload PDF in the image given above.
  • PDF Content: PDF content has two options 1. Form PDF Template 2. Current form page.

1. Form PDF Template will send the whole form as a pdf attachment to the salesforce, i.e., if you are using a standard pdf, it will upload the entire form as pdf in the Salesforce, and if you are using custom PDF, then it will send the custom pdf in the Salesforce as an attachment.

2. Current form page will upload the current page in which PDF Upload element is dragged and dropped.

  • Upload Button Label: Name you want to show in the pdf upload button.
  • Description: Add description of the pdf file you want to upload.
  • Parent Record ID: Parent record ID will be the ID of the Salesforce parent record where you want to upload the pdf. For example, We want to upload PDF to the account name [formyoula test 12345] so to get the parent id of the account we need to go to the account in the Salesforce and copy the parent id from the address bar of the browser as shown in the image below marked in yellow is the parent id.
  • Upload success message: The message will be displayed once the upload is successful.
  • Advanced: Click on the “Advanced” button to open the Advanced Settings.

You can choose which content you want to upload on the PDF. Please add a valid Javascript/Jquery selector to get the HTML for the PDF.

For example: .formyoula-Text

  • You can find the uploaded PDF in the Notes and Attachments section of the Parent record in Salesforce.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂