Multiple PDF Content via Connections

In this guide, we will explain how you can use Advanced Templating Option for uploading multiple PDFs or two different PDFs for two different connections or Salesforce Objects.

To use this functionality you need two connections with the different objects for example we can use Salesforce Account & Contact Object.

In the below image, I use Formyoula SalesforceSelect Element for Account and Contact Object.


Now we just need to add two different connections for these objects.


Please make sure you enable the Push Updates  & PDF Attachment as per the below image.


Now we just need to make some changes to the PDF editor.

Open the PDF editor by clicking on it from the Form Dashboard


Click on PDF editor Source and use #compare block to checking the connection Id as per the below image.


Sample source code -

<!-- {{#compare FormyoulaConnectionId "5d25b9175be0ff713521e967" operator="=="}} -->
<h1>Sample PDF (Account Object)</h1>
<!-- {{/compare}} -->

<p><br />
<!-- {{#compare FormyoulaConnectionId "5d25b9445be0ff713521e96c" operator="=="}} --></p>

<h1>Sample PDF (Contact Object)</h1>
<!-- {{/compare}} -->

Now last and important step we need to Enable - the "Enable Advanced Templating" option for using the #compare tag functionality this option is available under PDF settings.


Note: It will support Email connections also.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂