Hide Additional Salesforce Lookup Fields From The Search UI

This guide will explain how to use CSS to hide specific additional Salesforce Lookup fields from the search UI without affecting other functionality.

  1. Initial Setup:
  • Drag and drop a “Salesforce Lookup” and an “HTML” field.
  • Rename the fields as needed.
  1. Configuring The “Salesforce Lookup” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Salesforce Lookup” field.
  • Set “Object” and “Display Additional Fields”.
  • Here, we are setting “Contact” as “Object”, and “Email”, “First Name”, and “Last Name” as “Display Additional Fields”.
  1. Configuring The “HTML” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “HTML” field.
  • Paste the CSS to hide the “LastName” salesforce field from the Lookup search result.
  • Please use this CSS.
  • Here, 80bc-8f3e-1b5c is the field ID of the “Salesforce Lookup” field.
  • And LastName is the Salesforce field API name.
#component-80bc-8f3e-1b5c .sfdc_field_LastName {
  display: none;

Note: Please make sure to update the “Salesforce Lookup” field ID and the Salesforce field API name.

  1. Test The Form:
  • Now, a user can search using the Last Name without displaying it on the Lookup search result.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂