Filter The Records Based On The User Custom Attributes

This guide will explain how to update the User custom attributes on one form and filter the records based on them on another form.

First Form

  1. Initial Setup:
  • Drag and drop a “Select” and a “User Custom Attributes” field onto your form.
  • Rename the fields as needed.
  1. Configuring The “Select” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Select” field.
  • Update the Select Options.
  1. Configuring The “User Custom Attributes” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “User Custom Attributes” field.
  • Add User Custom Attribute as shown below.
  • Here, 43e3-d659-84ed is the field ID of the “Select” field.
  • Save the changes.

Second Form

  1. Initial Setup:
  • Drag and drop a “Salesforce Select” field onto your form.
  • Rename the field as needed.
  1. Configuring The “Salesforce Select” Field:
  • Click the pencil icon of the “Salesforce Select” field.
  • Set “Object” and “Display Additional Fields”.
  • Add “Record Filter”- Country__c = '{{country_2}}’
  • Here, country_2 is the User Custom Attribute Key on the first form.
  • Here, Country__c is the Object field.
  • Save the changes.
  1. Test Your Form:
  • Try the first form. And update the User Custom Attribute.
  • Try the second form. It will filter the records based on the User Custom Attribute updated on the first form.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂