Filter Salesforce Record By User Country Using Custom Attributes

This guide will explain how to use the custom attributes and the country System Merge field in SFDC filters and HTML merge.

We will add a custom attribute on the Formyoula Users page and use the System Merge fields in Salesforce Select field Record Filter and HTML merge.

Add a custom attribute for the user on the Formyoula users page with the necessary user's country.

Go to the Users page using this link-


Click the down arrow under “Quick Actions” and then click Edit.


Add a custom attribute for the user with the necessary user's country. And update the user details by clicking “Update User”.

{"Country":"United States"}

Use the System Merge fields in Salesforce Select and HTML fields:

Go to the Forms. Drag and drop a Salesforce Select and an HTML field.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Select field. Add the following record filter and save the changes.

BillingCountry = '{{Country}}'

Click the pencil icon of the HTML field and paste the code(System Merge fields). Save the changes.


Please use the below code:


When the user will try the form. It will filter the Salesforce Select field and will show the System Merge field values.


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂