Enable Salesforce and Formyoula Entry Storage

This guide will explain how to keep a backup of the form submissions both in Salesforce and Formyoula.

  1. Please launch the helper form via this link - https://app.formyoula.com/online_v5/665a4ca046b385001b2a7343
  1. Please select the necessary form template:
  1. Please check the “Enable CSV Export For Salesforce Storage” option:
  1. Please save the changes:

Please refer to this guide that explains the Salesforce Entry Storage setup - https://guides.formyoula.com/public-guides/store-formyoula-form-entries-directly-in-your-salesforce-organization

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat. 🙂