This guide will explain how to use custom PDF field formats for Number and Currency fields.
Using toFixed helper to format a number field.
To fix a decimal value up to 2 or 3 points we can use toFixed helper with option 2 or 3.
Value of component_id = 1.1234566
{{toFixed component_id 2}}
Output: 1.12
{{toFixed component_id 3}}
Output: 1.123
Using toCurrency helper to format a currency field.
To format a currency value up, we can use toCurrency helper with different options. toCurrency helper used to format currency based on a different option I.e. locale, style, currency.
Value of component_id = 23232234
{{toCurrency component_id locale='en-IN' style='currency' currency='EUR'}}
Output: € 2,32,32,234.00
{{toCurrency component_id locale='ja-JP' style='currency' currency='JPY'}}
Output: ï¿¥23,232,234
{{toCurrency component_id locale='en-US' style='currency' currency='USD'}}
Output: $ 23232234.00
Using Format_Date_Function helper to format a currency field.
Format Formyoula date fields in multiple formats using the following examples.
{{Format_Date_Function FormyoulaSubmittedDate 'DD.MM.YYYY'}}
{{Format_Date_Function 123-123-123 'DD.MM.YYYY'}}
Output: 11.22.2021