Create Time Based Workflow Rule To Retry Failed Formyoula Files

In this guide, we will explain how to create a time-based workflow rule, that will retry Formyoula files that were not uploaded at the time when the form entry was created.

To start, please go to Setup - Create - Workflow & Approvals - Workflow Rules and click on the “New Rule” button.

Please select the Formyoula File object, enter the “Rule Name” and select “Evaluate the rule when a record is: created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria.” Please select “Formyoula File: Status equals = Failed“ as the rule criteria.


Next, please click on the “Add Time Trigger” button.


Please select a time, when you would like the workflow rule to retry the failed Formyoula File record.


Please add two “New Field Updates”.


First, update the Status field from “Failed” to “Not Processed.”


Second, update the “Status Comments” field to blank.


We would recommend, creating multiple Time-Dependent Workflow Actions, in case users stay offline for longer or if they upload form entries with a limited internet connection.


When done, please Activate your Workflow Rule.


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected]