Create Salesforce Event with Multiple Attendees

Using our mobile forms, you can create event and attendance registration for Salesforce. In this guide, we will create a mobile form that will allow us to record an Event with a subject, start date, and end date, link an Account to our Event and create multiple attendees.

To start, please go to your Formyoula Dashboard - and click "New Form".


Rename your form, we will call our form "Event with Attendees".


Add at least one page to your form. We will add one called "Event Details" and click the "+" button to create it.


Drag and drop a Salesforce Lookup field on your form. This will allow you to link the Event to an Account on Salesforce.


Click the pencil icon to edit the Salesforce lookup field.


Select an object you would like to use for the lookup, this will allow you to search for any record under this object. In our case, we will name the Label as Account and will link it to the Account object.


Now drag and drop a text field on your form. This will be used as the Event Subject. You can click the pencil icon to rename the field and make it required.


Drag and drop a "Date and Time" field. We will use this to setup a start date and time for the event.


Drag and drop another "Date and Time" field to setup an end date and time for the event.


Now drag and drop a Repeat Group element. This will be used for the attendees, repeat group elements allow you to create any number of related or child records on Salesforce. For example, multiple contacts under an Account or multiple line items under an Opportunity. Here we will use the repeat group for multiple Event attendee creations.


Click the pencil button and rename the label as Attendees.


Now drag and drop a Salesforce Lookup field into the Repeat Group. This lookup will be used for Contact records on Salesforce who will be linked to the event as attendees.


We will rename the Label as Contact and will attach it to Contact in the Object field.


When finished, click the "Save & Close" button.


Now we will need to add two Salesforce connections, one for the new Event record and the other one for our Attendees. Click "Add" under the connection column.


Select Salesforce from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".


First, we will create an "Event" connection to create our Event record when a form entry is captured. Select "Event" from the "Salesforce Object" list and click "Save".


So that we can use the newly created Event record for our Attendees, the Event connection "Insert Sequence" will need to be 1. This will ensure that the Event is created prior to the Attendees, and we will be able to use the Event_Id for the new Attendee records.


Click "Save" when done.


Now we need to map our Formyoula "Account" field to the Salesforce "Opportunity/Account ID (WhatId)" field. When both are selected click "Create Map".


Then map all the other fields: Formyoula "Subject" field to the Salesforce "Subject" field.


Formyoula "Start Date/Time" field to the Salesforce "Start Date Time" field.


And Formyoula "End Date/Time" field to Salesforce "End Date Time" field.


Check if the mappings are correct.


When mapping is done click the "Back to Connections" button to make the second connection.


Select Salesforce from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".


We will use this connection to create our Attendees as Event Relation records from our Attendee Repeat Group. Select "Event Relation" from the Select Object list and click "Save".


First, update the "Insert Sequence" to 2, so that the Attendee records are created after the Event record is created. This will enable us to use the Event_Id, so that the new Attendees can be associated with the new Event record on Salesforce


As we are using a Repeat Group on our Formyoula form we will need to indicate this under the Attendees connection. In the "Use Repeat Group" list select "Attendees", this is the Repeat Group we created earlier on the Formyoula form builder. And click "Save".


Next, we will need to map our Formyoula fields to the new Salesforce Event Relation fields. To make sure the new Attendee's records are associated with the new Event record on Salesforce we will need to map the Event connection as seen below "[New Event (Seq. 1)]" to the "Event Id" field. This will ensure that when new Attendee records are created on Salesforce the previously created Event record Id will be used for the new Attendee records.


Now map the "Contact" field from your form to "Relation ID" on the Salesforce field.


Check if the mappings are correct.


Go back to the Formyoula Dashboard when done.


On the Formyoula Dashboard, click the "Try" button to launch the Mobile Web App.


Select the newly created form.


Use the Salesforce Lookup Object to attach the Event to an Account on Salesforce.


Fill in the form and create as many Attendees as you need by clicking "Add Attendees" and then "Add" to create a new entry. Use the Salesforce Lookup object to add Attendees from Salesforce contacts.


Submit the form when it is completed.


Now when you open Salesforce you will be able to see the new Event with the new Attendees that were created on the Formyoula form under the assigned Account.
