Create a Salesforce Event Record Linked To Multiple Contacts

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to relate multiple Contacts to a newly created Event record. This mobile form can be completed while the mobile device is offline and the new record will be created on Salesforce once the device regains internet connection. Both Salesforce and non-Salesforce users can complete Formyoula mobile forms, and the new records will be created on Salesforce.

First, please go to your Salesforce setup page and enable the “Allow Users to Relate Multiple Contacts to Tasks and Events” option in the Activity Settings.


1. Please go to and click “Sign In”.


2. Please create a new form “New Form”.


3. Please click “Rename” to give your new form a name.


4. Forms can have multiple pages. We will leave one with the standard name “Details”.


5. Please drag & drop a Salesforce Lookup field on the form. We will use this to search for existing Account records that the Event will be linked to.


6. Next, please drag & drop all the necessary fields for the Event record creation. In this case, we will use a Subject, Start & End Date/Time fields.


7. Please drag & drop 3 Hidden fields on the form with the following labels and field values. This will be necessary for the Event Relation connection page mappings.

  • Is Parent - true
  • Is Invitee - false
  • Is What - false

8. Please drag & drop a Repeat Group and a Salesforce Lookup field inside it for the Contact Object.


9. Once done, please save and close the form.


10. Now please create a new Salesforce connection for the Event Object with the necessary field mappings.


11. Next, please create another Salesforce connection for the Event Relation Object. Here we will enable the “Use Repeat Group” option first which will allow us to relate multiple Contacts to the Event record.


12. Please map all the fields including:

  • [New Event Record ID (Seq 1)] - Eventi ID
  • Salesforce Lookup (Contact) - Relation ID

13. Once done, please go to your Formyoula dashboard.


14. Please click on the “Try” button next to the form. This will open the mobile web app.


15. Please select the newly created form.


16. Please fill in the form and click “Submit” when done.


17. Now, when you open Salesforce, you will be able to see the newly created Event record that is linked to multiple Contacts:


For any questions please, contact us - [email protected].