Conditional HTML Message With Salesforce Record PreFill

In this guide, we will explain how to display Conditional HTML Message. We will display HTML messages if the record is found or not.

Drag and drop a Text, a Salesforce Prefill, a Hidden and an HTML field. Rename the fields as shown below.


Click the pencil icon of the Salesforce Prefill field. Set Object, Formyoula Parent Field and Salesforce Parent Field as shown below.


Map Hidden field (Found Account Name) with Object Field. Save the changes.


Click the pencil icon of the HTML field. Paste the code.


Please use the code below:

<div class="entry">
  {{#if 7875-83dc-8b81}}
    <h3>Missing Account</h3>

Please change the field ID according to your form.


Enable the following 2 options on the HTML field. Save the changes.


Try the form.

HTML message if the record found:


HTML message if the record not found:


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂

Example Form.json4.4KB