Microsoft Power Automation Setup With Formyoula Form Entries

This guide will show you how to use the API Callout field to trigger a flow on Microsoft Power Automation. Please follow this guide for Microsoft webhook setup this will give you the webhook URL. Once we have the webhook URL, you can drag and drop the API Callout element in the form builder.

  • Copy and paste the webhook URL in the API URL option.
  • Select the Post Method from API Type.
  • Add the headers and body parameters as per the requirement.

API Headers and Body Params support merge fields also we can use to send field values from the form.


Here are some examples of system merge fields:

{{Formyoula_Created_By}}: "Formyoula Support"
{{Formyoula_Form_Id}}: "63d1372295c4eb1234567"
{{Formyoula_Queue_Manager_Id}}: "9eaff04e-3d5b-8989-cf6d-1234567"
{{Formyoula_User_Attributes}}: {}
{{Formyoula_User_Country}}: "USA"
{{Formyoula_User_Email}}: "[email protected]"
{{Formyoula_User_Id}}: "22df27f56f6eea123456aaa"
{{Formyoula_User_LanguageLocaleKey}}: "en_US"
{{Formyoula_User_Role}}: "admin"
{{Formyoula_User_Salesforce_Id}}: "00524000001ABCD"
{{Formyoula_User_Type}}: "salesforce"
{{Formyoula_User_Username}}: "[email protected]"

Here is simple automation to send Email notifications on Microsoft Power Automate. We can save the form and try it out.


Power Automate Testing Results:


Flow Running History:


For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂