Formyoula Email With Merge Fields to Slack Channel

In this guide, we will explain how to use email connection with merge fields in the body to allow users to send specific fields into Slack. You can create up to 3 email connections per form.

How to get the Email address from Slack.

  1. Select an existing Channel from the drop-down or create a new channel. Click “Integrations” then click “ Send emails to this channel “.
  1. Click “Get Email Address”.
  1. This integration gives you a special email address that you can use to create an email connection.

Create an Email Connection.

  1. Please go to your Formyoula Dashboard - and click on the "Add" button under the "Connections" column or press on the "Create a Connection" button under the "Next Step" column, or select "Add/ Edit Connections" from the "Actions" list.
  1. Select "Email" from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".
  1. Add the email address in “To Email” and you can add email addresses in CC and BCC also. Please use the email address of Slack (step -3).
  1. Add a "Subject" for the email template.
  1. Paste Field IDs of Specific Fields in the email body by using the given syntax, whose form entries you want to send into Slack.
  1. You can use the drop-down arrow in Merge Fields to copy the required field ID.
  1. Click “Save Email Changes”.
  1. Try the form.

For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂