In this guide, we will share an example on how to disable all fields on a newly added repeat group entry.
// Listen to all form field initialize events
window.formyoula.form_entry.on( 'form:field:initialize', function( options ) {
// Update field
update_field_attributes( options.view.model );
} );
// Function to update specific field attributes
function update_field_attributes( field ) {
// Check if field is inside repeat group
if ( field.get( 'attributes' ).repeat_entry_id ) {
// Add the new field attributes we want to change
var custom_html_attributes = [
attribute: 'disabled',
type: 'input',
value: 'disabled'
// Update the field with new attributes
field.get( 'attributes' ).options = custom_html_attributes;
// Update target field to read-only
field.get( 'attributes' ).readonly = 'yes';
} // END update_field_attributes
We can also specify a list of fields we would like to disable instead of disabling all fields.
// Repeat Group fields to disable after repeat entry is added
var repeat_fields_to_disable = 'a812-9456-3264,9da3-bdd8-dd35';
// Listen to all form field initialize events
window.formyoula.form_entry.on( 'form:field:initialize', function( options ) {
// Update field
disable_repeat_entry_field( options.view.model );
} );
// Function to update specific field attributes
function disable_repeat_entry_field( field ) {
// Check if field is inside repeat group and is a field we want to disable
if ( field.get( 'attributes' ).repeat_entry_id && repeat_fields_to_disable.includes( field.get( 'component_id' ) ) ) {
// Update the field with new attributes
field.get( 'attributes' ).options = [ {
type: 'input',
attribute: 'disabled',
value: 'true'
} ];
} // END disable_repeat_entry_field
For any questions, please contact us - [email protected] or the Formyoula in-app chat 🙂